A few weeks ago I decided to load some new fonts onto my computer, as I was tiring of the ones I had been using for years. I ended up finding oodles of delightful ones, and I took the time to install all of them even though it was a bit of a hassle to do so.
When it came time to edit my Fall punkin' pics, I decided to try out a few of them, though I felt overwhelmed since I now have so many, and I haven't learned to distinguish one from the other on my font menu just by reading the names.
I randomly clicked on one that was displayed in the queue, and the font that is on my pic above appeared. I really couldn't believe what I was seeing, as the lettering reminded me of the twirl of the Fairy Godmother's wand as she changes a pumpkin into a carriage for Cinderella. It just so happens that I've been planning to do a post about that movie for a while now!
Rose & Robin loves the visual artistry of Disney's classic film. It's such an affectingly symbolic story about the difference between light and darkness.
I love how little critters, such as birds and mice, are allowed to become participants in the story by helping to make sure all that is good, right, true, and simply just "meant to be" prevails.
I also can't help but admire a certain little mouse's ardent enthusiasm for, yes, beads! (see below) ☺.
Below are some videos, photions, and photos from the movie...
The following is not a theological statement on my part, as I don't think the lyrics to Cinderella's song are necessarily true. Yet, we shouldn't assume she is off-track in every way. I can't help but be impressed with how she turns the other cheek when being mistreated by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters ☺.
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